One of the outcomes of the Enforcer System collaboration project are three mobile applications.

The most important one of these, that we can refer to as the PWA, is the web application that interacts with the cloud component of the Management Platform to provide the user interface to the system. This application has some special features that identify it as a PWA to the mobile platforms, which afford it some special privileges. These privileges vary depending on the browser used (Safari, Chrome, Samsung Browser, etc), but they all add the ability to add a link to the user desktop, run as a separate process, and mostly look like a native app, but without the need to go through the rigours of dealing with Apple/Google to add the application in their respective stores.

There are some seriously cool advantages to the PWA concept, especially when combined with a reverse proxy, where one can create a single application server, yet offer differently branded products with only a few small changes. This extends to the desktop logos, as well as any component of the application (including JavaScript).

Of course PWAs have some limitations, especially on iOS, as they are not full members of applications family because they do not support Push Notifications.

The iOS application was developed as a native swift application that uses the same backend site as the PWA with the addition of push notification handling. This allows a platform user to receive the notifications in the app, sorted by system and stacked (when multiple notifications have not been acknowledged). This application can be found here:

The Android application was developed as a native Java application that uses the same backend site as the PWA with the addition of push notification handling. This application has three notifications channels and allows the user to receive branded notifications in the app, sorted by system. For each system, newer notifications override earlier ones. This application can be found here: