There are many reasons businesses decide to run critical infrastructure away from their premises. These include improved data security and assurance, pervasive access to the data by staff when away from the site, lack of specialized staff to maintain system on site, lack of cost effective high speed Internet services, etc.

However, not all clouds are made equal. Some compete on cost, others on maintenance advantages or even infrastructure access. The question none seem to answer  is how important YOU are to the cloud provider that has tens of thousands of customers.

Sergtech offers you a software as a service in the shape of MYCRM, that is managed such that what is most important to you, is most important to us as well. And if you prefer to have the application hosted elsewhere and only managed by us, that is OK too.

MYCRM is also offered to you in a system that is separated from other users, so you do not run the typical risks associated with multitenancy that other vendors offer. This is done in a cost-effective manner using Docker, and your data is effectively isolated from other systems in this method.